Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Family Systems Project

When thinking about this project I finally came up with the decision that I could relate my family to a tree. This concept may seem simple, but my family is related to a tree in the way that my father would be the roots, my mother would be the trunk, my siblings would be the branches and our kids would be the fruit. 
First I related the tree roots to my father Owen, because he is the foundation to our family. I think the different sections of the roots relate to the different ways my father is a foundation. For example the priesthood power he holds brings our family together.
Next I related my mother, Alisha, to the trunk of a tree. When I first thought of this, I thought this could be related in the way that a tree needs the trunk which is true but I also thought that the tree needs the trunk to be firm in the soil. Which in the gospel we need the priesthood and to be married in the temple to return to our heavenly father. So the roots and the trunk go together in keeping the family in the soil and in keeping the family together. The trunk has the responsibility to raise the children and help the branches and leaves grow.
            The next thing I related to the tree was my siblings and how they would be the branches. When a tree grows the branches work together to help supply nourishment and water from the parents or the trunk and the roots. They work together to make the tree ore full as they bring in spouses and their children as the fruit of the tree. I am the oldest of six children. My 17 year old sister ads a lot of humor to our family; she is always making the mood lighter. My 13-year-old brother is so quiet; he is the one that keeps the peace. My 10-year-old brother has so much energy; he is constantly doing something, he ads spunk to our family. My 9-year-old sister is so sweet; her innocence and pure personality ads to our family because she is always serving others. My youngest brother is 4-years-old and couldn’t be crazier. His love for life and adventurous personality keeps our family laughing and young. The branches also produce leaves as their talents and ways that they help others and the talents they get from not only their mortal parents but their spiritual parents as well. 
The last thing I related to the tree is the fruit, which would be our children. Now no one in our family has kids yet but once we do they will be the new additions to our family. Also I think about it in the way that when the fruit gets old and they fall off the tree or leave the home they plant themselves in the soil and find someone to grow with and in the end create their own tree and family to grow with and expand to better things.
I really enjoyed writing this paper because I was really able to realize how much of an affect we have on each other as a family.  


In our family relations class this week we were asked to write a paper about fatherhood. This subject really touches my heart because I have such an amazing relationship with my father. He has always been a wonderful example and strength in my life. I read an article that I found online called Fathering in America: What's a Dad supposed to do? By Marie Hartwell-Walker, ED.D She listed five principles that father's should follow when raising children. In my paper I listed these five and then described them brefly. 
1. Embrace your responsibility-A father should become emotionally involved with every child. Along with that another important thing is that the father becomes attached and understanding of the Child and its needs. The father needs to feel an attachment and with that the need to provide and support their children.
 2. Be there- When your child is in need of your help make sure you put them as a top priority.
3. Do your financial share- My father has always been such a hard worker. When my parents were first married my dad was working 2 jobs and going to school at the same time so that my mother was able to be a stay at home mom. 
4. Be in a respectful and appreciative relationship with their mother- The best way to show your children that you love them is to love their mother. My dad has been a great example of this. He is so respectful to my mom and he shows us children by his great example.
5. Be a role model of adult manhood- A father’s role is so important to the family system. Father’s need to be good role models for the daughters, they also need to show their sons how to be men. In order to raise a stable family you need both a mother and father to show by example how to take upon the responsibilities of being a man and women. My father does a great job of showing my brothers how to act like men.

I am so blessed to have a father that is willing to do whatever it takes to provide for our family. As I am preparing to get married I want to find someone that works as hard as my father. 

All Cultures are Equally Valid, Right?

"A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people." 
Mahatma Gandhi  
I love this quote because culture is something that you are born into, but it depends on the heart of the people to determine how the culture is viewed. I do not think that it matter if you are rich or poor. If you have good intentions and you use your money for good and not evil then no matter how rich you are your values and morals will still be good. All cultures are different. Being humble and using your resources right does not have anything to do with your culture. Problems arise no matter where you live or who you are. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Ministering of Angels

The article that we read for class this week titled "We Believe in the Ministering of AngelsBy Larry Barkdull provided me with many quotes that I now love. First, “The spirits of the just are exalted to a greater and more glorious work; hence they are blessed in their departure to the world of spirits. Enveloped in flaming fire, they are not far from us, and know and understand our thoughts, feelings, and motions, and are often pained therewith.” Not only is God so close to us but other spirits that have passed on understand us as well. Second, "And now, my dearly beloved brethren and sisters, let me assure you that these are principles in relation to the dead and the living that cannot be lightly passed over, as pertaining to our salvation. For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, as Paul said concerning the fathers—that they without us cannot be made perfect—neither can we without our dead be made perfect." The salvation of our brother and sisters on the other side is essential to our salvation  We need to make sure that we are putting in a consious effort to go perform baptisms for the dead. Third, "Whether our children have strayed from the path of truth, become lost by following a forbidden path, or consciously rebelled and run away to a far county, their Heavenly Father can find and rescue them. Even when they are so broken that they are no longer recognizable, He will patiently put them back together until they can bring forth good fruit. No matter their choices and situations, God loves them and is constantly working to save and redeem them. And so are their family and friends that have gone before. We are never alone in the work of redemption." Our heavenly father has such a strong love for his children, one that we will always be working to understand. He wants each one of us to return to Him one day and in order to do so we need to constantly progress in the right direction. Doing temple work for those who were never able to hear the truthfulness of this gospel is one of the most important things we can accomplish.  

Monday, October 22, 2012

Elder Richard G. Scott

"Strong moral character results from consistent correct choices in the trials and resting of life. Such choices are made with trust in things that are believed and when acted upon are confirmed." This quote lead me to a scripture found in Doctrine and Covenants 11:12 it reads "And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good-yea, to do justly, to walk humble, to judge righteously; And this is my Spirit." When we apply action to our faith and make correct choices we develop strong character. The Lord provides us with the Spirit so that we are able to constantly feel His presence with us to make the right decisions. "Just because you don't see results after a day or even a week, don't give up. You may not see changes, but every smart choice you make is affecting you in ways you'd never imagine."